Register Now for the AACU 2024 Advocacy Summit & Annual Meeting.

Register Now for the AACU 2024 Advocacy Summit & Annual Meeting.

Latest AACU News

AACU-Supported Prior Authorization Legislation Updates

AACU-Supported Prior Authorization Legislation Updates MD: Scaled-Down Prior Authorization Bill Expected to PassThe legislation sponsored by Frederick County Delegate Ken Kerr would establish requirements and prohibitions when it comes to insurance companies approving...

AACU Advocates on the Move

Dr. Damara Kaplan, Immediate Past President, was on the ground in Santa Fe last week advocating for physicians and urology at the Capitol! Dr. Kaplan has also testified on behalf of AACU this session in opposition to expansion of pharmacist scope of practice in New...

AACU Supports the HELP Copays Act

The AACU will be issuing a support letter next week in support of the HELP Co-pays Act. This legislation a bipartisan bill designed to improve affordability and access to prescription medications.   The HELP Copays Act (H.R. 830) would require insurers and pharmacy...

DC Prostate Cancer Screening Legislation Introduced On March 21, DC Councilmember Charles Allen (Ward 6) introduced legislation requiring all...

Register now for Private Equity & the Business of Medicine

Register now for our April AACU After Hours event – Private Equity & the Business of Medicine –  on April 13 at 8 pm ET. Mark Edney, MD, MBA. joins us as our featured speaker on a topic relevant to many practicing urologists. Dr. Edney, AACU president from...

AACU Advocates for a Veto of Virginia HB 2274/SB 948

On March 6, the AACU and AUA submitted a letter advocating for Governor Glenn Youngkin to veto HB 2274/SB 948. This legislation expands pharmacist scope of practice to allow them to diagnose, test, treat, and order medication for certain medical conditions, including...

The AACU Opposes Scope of Practice Expansion in Connecticut

Last month, in partnership with the AUA, the AACU submitted a letter opposing Senate Bill 6398. This legislation would expand pharmacist scope of practice to allow for pharmacists to test, screen and treat a number of health conditions including urinary tract...