Register Now for the AACU 2024 Advocacy Summit & Annual Meeting.

Register Now for the AACU 2024 Advocacy Summit & Annual Meeting.


The Standing Committees:

Audit Committee

  1. The Audit Committee shall carefully examine the Treasurer’s report and, when applicable,the audit of the Association’s financial  It shall present a written and/or oral report of these examinations to the Membership at the Annual Business meeting.
  2. The Audit Committee shall consist of two Section Representatives of the Board with one serving as Chair, appointed by the President for terms of one year.

Bylaws Committee

  1. The Bylaws Committee shall annually review the efficiency and effectiveness of the Association Bylaws, study the various activities of the Association and recommend amendments when necessary or indicated for the good of the Association.
  2. The Bylaws Committee shall consist of three Active members appointed by the Presidentfor terms of three (3) years, with one member being appointed each  The President shall designate the Chair for one year.

Employed Urologist Committee

  1. The Employed Urologist Committee shall consist of a Chair and up to six members that fall into the Employed category of practice.
  2. The Employed Urologist Committees’ primary responsibility is to advise the Board of directors on issues of particular concern to employed urologists and address membership issues for employed urologists.
  3. The Chair shall be a voting member of the Board.

Finance Committee

  1. The Finance Committee shall consist of the President, President-elect, immediate Past- President, and the Secretary-Treasurer. The President shall be the Chair.
  2. The Committee shall study all financial matters of the Association, including but not limited to receipts, expenditures, and investments and make appropriate recommendations to the Board.
  3. The Committee shall prepare an annual budget for the various activities of the Association and submit it to the Board prior to the Annual Business Meeting. On the basisof the proposed budget the Committee shall make recommendations to the Board regarding dues for the following year.
  4. The Committee shall meet as often as circumstances warrant.

Health Policy Committee

  1. The Health Policy Committee shall study and evaluate governmental legislation and proposedlegislation, at the state and federal levels, which pertains to, affects, influences, or may affect the public health, patients’ urological care or the practice of Urology.
  2. This Committee shall develop appropriate liaison and support with legislators and government representatives.
  3. When recommended by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board of Directorsand the Membership, this Committee may employ assistance to carry out its function.
  4. This Committee shall report at least annually to the Board of Directors and to the Association.
  5. This Committee shall consist of the Health Policy Chair and members selected by the President.

Industry Relations Committee

  1. The Industry Relations Committee shall work closely with industry partners to develop and implement initiatives that support the shared interest of the Association and its partners.
  2. The Committee shall consist of at least three Board Members selected by the President. The President shall designate the Chair each year.
  3. The Committee shall report at least annually to the Board of Directors.

Membership Development Committee

  1. The Membership Development Committee shall develop and implement procedures for encouraging eligible physicians to apply for membership in the Association.
  2. The Committee shall consist of each of the Section Representatives of the  The President shall designate the Chair each year.
  3. The Committee shall report at least annually to the Board of Directors and to the Association.


Nominating Committee

  1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, the two most recent Past- Presidents available, and two (2) members appointed by the President from the general membership. The most recent Past-President shall be the Chair.
  2. The Committee, for each vacancy, shall select at least one (1) nominee for:
    • President-elect
    • Secretary-Treasurer
    • Section Representatives
    • Health Policy Chair
    • State Advocacy Network Chair
    • Young Urologist Chair
    • Employed Urologist Chair
    • UROPAC Chair
    • UROPAC Treasurer
    • UROPAC Member(s)-at-large
    • Delegate(s) and alternate delegate(s) to the AMA House of Delegates
    • Representative to the American College of Surgeons

In years where neither the Secretary-Treasurer nor the State Advocacy Network Chair ascends to President-Elect, the Nominating Committee shall select the nominee for President-elect from among eligible members of the Board of Directors. A call for nominations will be sent to eligible members. A slate consisting of the nominees for President-elect, Secretary-Treasurer, Section Representatives, Health Policy Chair, State Advocacy Network Chair, Employed Urologist Chair and Young Urologist Chair shall be presented to the membership for consideration and election. A slate consisting of nominees for UROPAC Chair, UROPAC Treasurer, UROPAC member(s)-at-large and delegate(s) and alternate delegate(s) to the AMA House of Delegates shall be presented to the Board of Directors for consideration and election.

  1. The Committee shall select as many delegates and alternate delegates to the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates as determined by the AMA.
  2. When necessary, the Committee shall select one nominee for the American College of Surgeons who shall be presented to the Board of Directors for election.

Program Committee

  1. The Program Committee shall arrange and provide for the Annual Fall Meeting and SpringBoard  The Committee shall arrange for the physical needs of the Annual and Spring meetings. These shall include adequate meeting facilities, visual aids, liability protection, badges, arrangements for meals, hotel accommodations for members and other usual meeting requirements. Contracts and agreements by the Committee shall be with the approval of the Secretary-Treasurer.
  2. The Committee shall consist of three (3) members-the President, the President-elect andthe Secretary-Treasurer who shall act as  The Committee shall be composed of subcommittees as follows:
    • Annual Meeting: President, President –Elect, Secretary-Treasurer and State Advocacy Network Chair.
    • Spring Board Meeting: President, Secretary-Treasurer, President -Elect any other committee member designated by the President.

State Advocacy Network (SAN) Committee

  1. The State Advocacy Network Committee shall consist of the SAN Chair and members selected by the president. The Committee oversees the management of the State Advocacy Network.
  2. The SAN shall consist of representatives of the states as approved by the SAN Chair.
  3. The SAN shall collaborate with state urology associations, state medical associations, urology specialty societies, urologists and patient groups to promote the interests of urologists, patients, urological care and the practice of urology.
  4. The SAN shall study and evaluate governmental legislation and regulations at the state level which pertains to, influences or may affect public health, patients’ urological care or the practice of urology.
  5. The SAN shall communicate to representatives and the membership on a broad range of issues and actionable proposals.
  6. The SAN shall provide representatives and the membership technical assistance, training and research to empower effective advocacy campaigns.
  7. The SAN shall report at least annually to the Board of Directors and to the Association through the SAN Chair.


  1. UROPAC will be governed by a UROPAC Board as outlined in the UROPAC Articles of Organization. Changes to the Articles require a vote of the AACU Board of Directors.
  2. Members of the UROPAC Board will be selected by the AACU Board of Directors.
  3. The UROPAC Board shall report at least annually to the Board of Directors and to the Association.

Young Urologist Committee

  1. The Young Urologist Committee shall consist of a Chair and Vice Chair less than 10years out of residency or fellowship if fellowship  Preferably, for these two positions, there should be one from Academic practice and one from a non-academic practice. Each will serve for two years.
  2. The Young Urologist Committees’ primary responsibility is to advise the Board of directors on issues of particular concern to young urologists and address membership issues for young urologists.
  3. The Chair shall be a voting member of the Board
  4. The Young Urologist Committee will have a minimum of five members of broad geographic representation selected by the President with recommendation from the Young Urologist Chair.
  5. The Vice Chair selection will be made by the President with recommendation from the Young Urologist Committee.