Latest AACU News
A letter from Peter N Bretan, Jr, MD, FACS, President of AACU
A letter from Peter N Bretan, Jr, MD, FACS, President of AACU to all those affected by the recent California wildfires and North Carolina's hurricane disasters. Read Dr. Bretan's Full Letter
AACU Publicly Supports Maine LD 107 Titled “An Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Biomarker Testing.”
AACU is in strong support of legislation that supports increased utilization of biomarker testing. VIEW THE LETTER
AACU Supports Bills on Health Insurance Coverage Requirements for Prostate Cancer Screenings
AACU publicly supports Virginia HB2097 titled “Health insurance; coverage requirements for prostate cancer screenings.” VIEW THE LETTER AACU publicly supports Virginia SB 1314 titled “Health insurance; coverage requirements for prostate cancer screenings.” VIEW THE...
AACU Joins Stakeholder Letter Calling for Reform the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
The American Association of Clinical Urologists (AACU) signed on to a letter sent to the Democratic and Republican leadership in both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate calling for the creation of a new site-of-service for office-based interventional...
AACU Comments on the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System
AACU Comments on CY 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
AACU Legislative Blog
Are you taking a vacation or time off this summer? We hope so! While staying apprised of the latest news in our field is hugely important, making time to relax and unwind is essential. As our webinar program takes a summer break, we’ll share our interview with Chris...
AACU Supports H.R. 1826/S.2821 titled “PSA Screening for HIM Act”
The American Association of Clinical Urology (AACU) publicly supports H.R. 1826/ S.2821 titled “PSA Screening for HIM Act” sponsored by Representatives Larry Bucshon, M.D. (R-IN) and Yvette Clarke (D-NY) in the House and Senator Booker (D-NJ) and John Boozman (R-AR)...
AACU Strongly Supports Congressional Physician Reimbursement Bill
The American Association of Clinical Urologists, Inc. has been working hard for years to ensure that urologists are compensated fairly. We are continuing this fight in 2024 by strongly supporting H.R. 6683 titled the “Preserving Seniors’ Access to Physicians Act of...
AACU Thanks NY Governor for Signing Biomarker Testing Bill
AACU’s letter of thanks to New York legislators for signing S.1196-A/A.1673-A. READ THE LETTERS