Register Now for the 2024 AACU Annual Meeting.

Register Now for the 2024 AACU Annual Meeting.

The AACU is pleased to announce that we’ve joined a new coalition—Michigan for Advancing Collaborative Care Teams (MiACCT) that solely focused on preserving and strengthening the health care teams we all rely on for our care. And we believe it’s a coalition that couldn’t have come at a better time.

Every day, across the country, powerful special interest groups work to undermine the team-based approach to health care all in the interest of making a buck. The policies they promote take physicians, away from their patients and jeopardize the patient care and safety in the process. Thankfully, MiACCT is here to fight back.

Made up of a growing number of health care providers and patient advocacy organizations united and committed in the belief that the time-tested, physician-led, patient-centered model of care is the very best way to increase health care access without compromising patient safety or quality of care, MiACCT exists to fight for what’s best for Michigan’s patients. That’s what they need. That’s what they deserve. And we’re happy to be a part of it.