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Register Now for the AACU 2024 Advocacy Summit & Annual Meeting.

Read about our efforts to oppose this legislation.

OK – SB 931
Passed the Senate – waiting for a hearing in the House Public Health Committee

NM – SB 92
Signed into law by the governor

MS – HB 1317
Tabled for the session

 CT HB 6398
Referred to the Public Health Committee – waiting for a hearing

Federal Legislation – New and Updated Bills
View the entire list of what we’re following, supporting, and opposing. 

H.R. 2761: SPARC Act (Companion Bill to S 705)
This bill will amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize a loan repayment program to encourage specialty medicine physicians to serve in rural communities experiencing a shortage of specialty medicine physicians, and for other purposes.

  1. 127: Pharmacy Benefit Manager Transparency Act of 2023

This bill generally prohibits pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) from engaging in certain practices when managing the prescription drug benefits under a health insurance plan, including charging the plan a different amount than the PBM reimburses the pharmacy.

The bill also prohibits PBMs from arbitrarily, unfairly, or deceptively (1) clawing back reimbursement payments, or (2) increasing fees or lowering reimbursements to pharmacies to offset changes to federally funded health plans.