Register Now for the AACU 2024 Advocacy Summit & Annual Meeting.

Register Now for the AACU 2024 Advocacy Summit & Annual Meeting.

The AACU is actively working on no-cost sharing prostate cancer screening legislation in CA, NJ, PA, and VA.

These legislative efforts aim to give prostate cancer parity to several other cancers which offer screenings with no attached co-pays or other cost-sharing fees. It’s urgent that we inspire legislation that will make prostate cancer screening free and accessible to all men.

We are building a list of potential physician advocates to call on if needed to help in the following ways:

  • Emailing/calling legislators
  • Sharing pre-written posts provided by AACU to personal social media accounts
  • Visiting legislators in person during legislative sessions
  • Providing written and/or in person/virtual testimony
  • Submitting Op/Ed provided by AACU to local newspapers

The AACU provides preparation, pre-drafted content, and assistance for all our physician advocates. If you are willing to help in any of the ways listed above, please complete our one question form.