The AACU, in partnership with the AMA Federation, submitted a letter of support to the sponsors of H.R. 2474, the Strengthening Medicare for Patients and Providers Act.

associations commend you for introducing H.R. 2474, the Strengthening Medicare for Patients and Providers Act. This bipartisan legislation advances the ongoing need to provide financial stability to physician practices in order to preserve access to care for Medicare beneficiaries.
It provides for an annual inflation update equal to the Medicare Economic Index (MEI) for Medicare physician payments, which is essential to enabling physician practices to better absorb payment distributions triggered by budget neutrality rules, performance adjustments, and periods of high inflation. It will also help physicians invest in their practices and implement new strategies to provide high-value care.

TAKE ACTION: Contact your legislators and urge them to help fix the flawed Medicare physician payment system by supporting H.R. 2474 today.